Open questions leave a lot of room for detailed answers because they are phrased neutrally and do not imply any answer options.
Over the course of a job interview, open questions are often used along with other rhetorical devices. This questioning technique is intended to encourage applicants to reveal more about their own background. This includes professional qualifications as well as personal characteristics.
Open questions cannot be answered with “yes” or “no” and are asked with the intention to get a more extensive reply. In addition to finding out information about the applicants, this technique can help create a confidential basis, which can lead to a more profound exchange of information and deeper insights into the candidate.
At the same time, the content of the open questions can also be company- or sector-specific. Faced with this diversity, applicants usually prepare in detail for different variations of all possible questions. However, it makes little sense to recite the answers as if they had been learned by heart. The aim of a job interview is to find a new employee who both fits the company and is also qualified for the position, and that the potential new employee suits the already existing team.
This questioning technique can be used by applicants as well. In contrast to detailed answers, they can certainly think about the exact question in advance. This can lead to a conversation in which the applicant finds out more about the company, the position and possible future colleagues and superiors.